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   The Architectural Engineering senior project reinforces the knowledge gained during previous coursework and introduces “real-world” complexities that are otherwise omitted from an academic setting. Throughout the duration of this senior project, many design challenges presented themselves in a way that would have otherwise been overlooked in a typical course project. It became clear that upon initial examination of a design project involving a real building that a proper selection of the specific building systems (structural, mechanical, etc.) can greatly impact the complexity of a project. The first of two parts of this senior project involved the analysis of an existing building which provided insight into why the engineer of record of the particular project chose the system and the corresponding system components. This information became invaluable during the second part of the project as the selection of the alternate systems for the building. It is important to realize that the project goal was not to implement better systems for the building, but to choose a plausible alternative system and understand the benefits and shortcomings of both the current and alternate systems. Upon the completion of this project, all educational goals provided by the course description were substantially accomplished.


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